OCTOBER 24, 2016, 6:30 p.m.
President, Mike Larkin, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Hy-Vee Meeting Room. Mike estimated the quorum to be 13.5, and we had 22 people present representing 19 households. One new resident in the neighborhood introduced himself as George Maxwell who now lives at the corner of 36th Street and Stonybrook Drive. They will be building a fence and the Architectural Committee has already signed off on it. We welcomed George to our neighborhood and to the meeting.
OLD BUSINESS – Marcia and Bill Haag visited with the man who lives at 3631 SW Stonybrook Dr to talk to him in a kind way regarding the building materials that have been sitting in his driveway for two years. They explained that they were doing so on behalf of the Shadywood West Homeowners Association, who continue to receive requests about these materials being an eyesore for the neighborhood. He shared with them that they had many issues going on in their household and that their original plans for those materials had not materialized due to financial costs. He has paid his dues for 2014, 2015 and 2016. There is an Article in our Restrictions (Article 10) which addresses Yard Maintenance and the Association members believe that the items in his driveway are not in compliance with that Article. Several people at the meeting offered to help him get the items (bricks and gravel) moved to the back of his house and they were: Harry Bishop, Ken Scott, Deacon Oroke, Steve Poage, Bill Haag and David Pope. We are not wanting to be hard-hearted, but want to encourage him to be in compliance with our restrictions. We do appreciate him paying not only his current dues but also his back association dues. A motion was passed that we again approach him with the offer to help relocate these materials. Bill Haag offered to do this again in an empathetic manner. Bill also spoke with new neighbors in the area who had an RV parked in their driveway and Marcia Haag looked into a boat being parked in the street. Both of those issues were resolved without any problems. The new homeowners were not aware of our neighborhood restrictions.
TREASURER’S REPORT- George Webb, Treasurer, reported that our checking balance is $12,413.85 and our Money Market account has $3397.44. He distributed the proposed 2017 budget showing expenses of $9,810 and estimated revenue from dues of $12,600. In 2016 our budget anticipated $9,310 in expenses, which George expects to be $9,082 at year-end. Estimated dues collection in 2016 was $12,600, but we have currently received $13,715. We should have a positive balance of $4633 for 2016. We are trying to build some reserve for the possible future replacement of the 34th Terr fence.
George passed on information from Don Catron (Grounds Committee chair): There are additional landscaping needs proffered by Don which were not submitted in time to be included in the proposed budget. (1) Emerald Ash borers are harming ash trees in Kansas. While they have not traveled west of Douglas County, we should be watchful. Don recommends that the ash trees on 37th Street be treated or (as a last resort) taken out and replaced; the association wants him to pursue doing the preventative treatments ourselves for an estimated $360. NOTE: residents should be cautious about purchasing ash firewood, because if the wood comes from an infected area, borers may be in the logs. (2) We need to repair the irrigation systems on the Stonybrook and Brandywine circles for an estimated $300. (3) Don wants to add miscellaneous plant replacements at a cost of $100. (4) Don would like to replace the dead roses on the 36th Street circle with spirea for $500. George reported that out of the four neighbors who face that circle, the Forresters are the only ones who are current members, and he does not recommend that work unless more dues are paid. (5) Don wants to address spring cleanup in the common areas. We paid James Widman $2301 in 2016 for cleanup work, but Don feels we can reduce that to $1,200 if we do that work ourselves. He would like the neighborhood to assist on something like a spring cleanup day.
The association members present voted to allocate $760 for additional landscaping items for the items above, except for replacement of the 36th Street circle rose bushes, which was deferred. The proposed budget for 2017 was passed as amended.
We need replacement of two or three plantings at the 34th Terr entrance. Due to Don being out-of-town, Deacon will contact James Widman, as these should be under warranty. A commendation was made to Don Catron for his knowledge and attention to our neighborhood landscaping.
SOCIAL – Deacon Oroke reported that the Community Police are making available special screws and bits to secure your license tags at their office, 2209 SW 29th (just a short distance east of 29th and MacVicar). The SWSW Holiday Dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m., Monday, December 5th at Paisanos in Fleming Place near 10th and Gage. We have four events each year with one being the Annual Neighbors Night Out in August. Thanks to Jeff/Carole Woolfolk and Pam/Deacon Oroke for the wonderful Neighbors’ Night Out. Hy-Vee provided hot dogs and buns; Resers donated potato salads and coleslaw; Target donated water; the Haags, Orokes and Klecans donated homemade ice cream; and many neighbors brought dessert items. Thanks to everyone who helped. We are signed up to participate in the National Neighbors’ Night Out again in 2017. It was suggested that we have more prizes for kids next year. Thanks to all of those who donated prizes and to Pam Oroke who wrote thank you notes to them. The Social Committee report was accepted.
MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS – There was concern expressed about mowing of the levy, or lack thereof. It was stated that the water district is supposed to mow it twice a year and it has only been mowed once this year. Pam Foreman offered to contact the Shunga Water District. It is unknown who has been mowing the commons area back by the levy. Jake Ediger used to do it and Bill will contact Jake and see if he knows who has been mowing the level part of the commons area.
A caution was issued regarding a couple in a beat-up car wanting to mow yards in our area. Gordon gave them $20 and Deacon had them mow and do some mulching in his yard and found them to be very nice.
Bridget Wood issued a thank you to all Block Captains and asked that people let her know if they have email addresses.
NEW BUSINESS – Election of Officers for 2017 was held. George Webb will continue as Treasurer and Bridget Wood will continue as Senior Block Captain. A unanimous ballot was cast for President, Jeff Woolfolk; Vice-President, Diane Gawronski; Secretary, Claudia Larkin; and Treasurer, George Webb.
ANNOUNCEMENTS – Larry Gawronski announced that he was giving tickets to a Blues Concert at TPAC this Friday night to anyone there compliments of the TPAC Board of Directors. He suggested we buy a beverage while we were there. Those in attendance thanked Larry and the TPAC Board for their generosity.
Pam Foreman announced that the Madrigals will sing two songs of your choice at the location of your choice for Veterans Day. Contact her for more information. The group is made up of kids who are home-schooled.
George Maxwell announced that on Saturday, November 5th there will be free cancer screening before noon at the Shrine Building downtown. It will include screening for skin, oral and prostate cancer in addition to bone density screening.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marcia Haag, Secretary