The meeting was called to order by President Lisa Stubbs at 6:00 PM in the HyVee meeting room. About 26 neighbors were present. The agenda was adopted and was approved by a voice vote. The minutes from the previous meeting were also read and approved.

President’s Report: There have been a lot of home invasions in Topeka. Please keep your home well lit. Replace burnt out light bulbs. Please ask a neighbor to watch your house if you know you will be out of town. Do not open your door to people that are unfamiliar.

Treasurer’s Report: We have $33,500 in the bank. We have 90% of the neighborhood paying their dues! We were about $4,500 under budget this year.

Social Committee Report: We had another successful Shadylady breakfast. About 14 people went to Paisanos on the 15th. December 1, 2011 is our special night at the Top of the Tower. We will need to R.S.V.P. An invitation with be forth coming.

Architecture Committee Report: Jane reported that there had been a lot of calls about the roofing restrictions. Those who called were directed to the written restrictions on the web site. The committee is looking for input in order to update the restrictions on siding and fencing. Please call the committee if you have information to share.

Grounds Committee: We did not water this year. Committee members did clean up, trim and weed. Mulch was not replaced. There are a large number of people volunteering to help. The entrances and traffic circles are a primary concern. The committee has secured plans for renovating these areas from a professional horticulturalist from Skinners. The grounds committee will oversee these changes and will be available to maintain the changes. The changes will proceed in two stages. In this budget year, the 3 traffic circles will be completed. The entrances will occur in the next budget. Demolition will occur this year. The three circles and 37th street entrance will be cleared down to the bare ground. This will be hired out. The electrical system needs to be revamped in order to install new lights and lamps. This part of the plan should be completed by December 1. Planting in the circles will proceed in April. Planting on 37th will wait until construction is complete. A lot of thought, time, and hard work had been put into this plan. Please thank Jane and her committee if you see them.

Budget Adoption: The 2011-2012 budget was approved by a voice vote.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Nominating Committee: Please volunteer to fill board positions next year.

Other: Wanamaker Update: The work on Wanamaker will proceed in 3 phases. It will begin this November and be complete by December 2012. There will be public meetings. More information should be coming from the city. We will try to organize a meeting which will focus on just our neighborhood. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Conrow
