MINUTES, April 10, 2011
The meeting was called to order by President Lisa Stubbs at
6:00 PM in the HyVee meeting room. About 20 neighbors were present. The agenda was adopted and was approved by a
voice vote. The minutes from the
previous meeting were also read and approved.
Newsletter: Tim needs articles 1 month in advance. The deadline for the next newsletter is
September 10, 2011. A proxy will be
included in the October newsletter.
Treasurer: The treasurer’s report was adopted and
approved. Our fiscal year is from October to September. We have 88% paid dues; which is awesome! We have 16 non-paying households.
Social Committee: We made $125.00 from our neighborhood
recycling day. The Easter Egg Hunt will
be April 16th, with a rain date of the 23rd. We are
planning on having a 4th of July parade. The first neighborhood breakfast was
successful. 15 neighbors
participated. Dinners are scheduled for
May 6th at Boss Hawgs, October 15th
at Paisanos, and December 1st at the Top
of the Tower.
Landscaping: Jane has a large committee. They plan on cleaning and maintaining the circles without employing other help. They did have a professional draw up plans for the circles and the entrances. We no longer have a burn pile. April 23rd is a free recycling day. Call Jane if you have yard waste to haul to the forestry service. Pine wilt is a danger to pine trees. The city will cut your effected trees down for no charge. Please clean up your dog waste while walking your dogs. Also, please replace any burnt out yard light bulbs.
Architecture Committee: No new business. They have been asked to look into revising our restrictions on fencing, siding, and roofing.
Senior Block Captain: All block captain positions have been filled.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
A motion to adjourn was moved, seconded, and approved.
Respectfully Submitted
Leslie Conrow